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Stories of Hope

Beyond Medications: Addressing Root Causes for Sustainable Health

Why addressing complex disease processes through the lens of what is causing this disease, is much more effective than the western medical model.

A common theme I hear from clients when they come into my practice is that when they were diagnosed with their current condition one of the first questions they asked was, “What is causing this for me?” As a rule, the diagnosing physician will say, we don’t know what causes this. It is a frustrating place to be! Our inner wisdom or common sense, if you will, asks that question first because it’s a logical question. We want to know why! 

I suggest to you that we can know why. When we look at a dis-ease process through the lens of what is causing this dis-ease process in this specific body, we can begin to unravel the drivers that are producing this set of symptoms in the body that then results in what we know as a diagnosis. A diagnosis is literally a name to categorize a common set of symptoms, blood work results, or test results that have been grouped under a specific name. 

I would like to share three clinical examples of how the method of using only symptoms and test results to create a diagnosis and not asking the question of what is driving this or causing this in this person’s unique body didn’t work.  

A young woman came to me with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. She had been told that there was no way to know what was causing this in her body and to just take the prescribed meds… which were not making any difference in her symptomology nor slowing her progression.

In our first few weeks of working together, we were able to dissect what was truly happening in her body, do some additional testing, and found out that her disease process, that had been diagnosed as multiple sclerosis, was actually high mold toxicity from her home environments leading up to and including her current living space.

She had worked with a wide variety of Western Medicine Specialists as well as holistic practitioners with no improvement. She had just continued to get worse. She couldn’t understand why, if she had multiple sclerosis, the typical medications didn’t help at all, nor did the more holistic work make any difference for her.

Before working with me no one had asked the questions needed to understand what was driving this illness for her. As soon as we understood that mold toxicity was one of the main drivers and we began addressing that directly, her symptoms began to improve. 

A young man who had been experiencing the advancing symptoms of multiple sclerosis for over 15 years came to me. He had worked entirely with Western Medicine Doctors and was on a plethora of multiple sclerosis drugs, that have made no impact on his symptoms. His body had continued to deteriorate slowly.

He recently learned that there is another way to look at his disease and was excited to explore what was causing his disease progression.

Using our very in-depth functional health assessment form, in our first session we were able to deduce that he is at high risk for Lyme pathogens. We are currently exploring direct testing that should give us clarity around whether this is so or not. However, when we discovered this very new fact, a light came on in his eyes as he began to understand that perhaps the typical “multiple sclerosis” disease is not what he is experiencing at all. And thinking, maybe this is why the typical ways of addressing multiple sclerosis did not work for him at all. 

A young woman diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis came to me. As we began our work early on, we understood that she had some very direct food sensitivities that affected the swelling in her joints immediately when she ingested them. We also learned that her gallbladder was not working well, and her digestive secretions were not breaking down foods well, creating an environment of inflammation in the digestive tract.

A history of deep trauma had created a central nervous system on high most of the time. This created a space for stress to affect her deeply and immediately.

As we began deeper testing, we found direct correlations between some bacteria present in her gut and her symptoms. We began addressing these major drivers for her directly using food lifestyle stress management techniques as well as simple supplementation. At her last doctor’s appointment, the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis was taken off her record. Her test results no longer support the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. 

As you can see, asking the question, “What is causing this for me,” is one of the most important questions you can ever ask when you are experiencing health challenges and are pursuing how to address those well and sustainably. 

Are you ready to address the actual cause of your symptoms and
stop taking a bunch of drugs that only offer side effects?

Then I want to encourage you to schedule an introductory call with us…