
Reimagining Autoimmune Recovery Summit Registration is Open!!!   Register Here

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Reimagining Autoimmune Recovery Summit

Happening NOW! 


This FREE Summit is an opportunity to delve into approaches for navigating autoimmune challenges. With 18+ experts in functional medicine and holistic health, the summit offers guidance on reclaiming well-being through informed strategies.


The Reimagining Autoimmune Recovery Summit provides a platform for exploring holistic approaches to recovery and wellness.


🔍 Gain understanding of the root causes of autoimmune conditions.


🌿 Discover actionable steps for supporting a healthy lifestyle.


💪 Connect with a community focused on wellness and expert-led guidance.


Register for this FREE summit to explore new perspectives on health and begin the journey toward a balanced and thriving life. 



Are you looking to make a change, but need some help on where to start?

Reach out. Book an introductory call with our intake specialist team and they will help you clarify your goals and needs so that we can get you scheduled with the right practitioner for you.

See what you missed. Check out our recordings from previous events

Whether you missed our latest summit, weren’t able to attend, or didn’t even know it was happening, here is your chance to catch up on all the latest news from Autoimmune Recovery. Visit our Library and gain access to previous recordings including summits, interviews, podcasts and informational videos.
previous events

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Each month we highlight one disease or condition and focus on bringing awareness and discuss new cutting edge recovery protocols from some of the top practitioners in the field. This isn’t just a basic overview of the topic. We dive into symptoms and progression, common drivers and recommended testing. We will also compare and contrast how western and functional medicine view these conditions. And finally some simple things that listeners can do to begin their journey to recovery. This culminates with our annual summit where we bring these top minds together in one place for an unprecedented amount of information and real world experience that can’t be found anywhere else.
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First Monday of the month: Facebook live session featuring an expert level speaker from our past or present Summits who’s field directly relates to that month’s focus condition.

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Second Monday of the month: An experts panel where you can get information from multiple sources about that month’s focus condition.

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Third Friday of the month: Webinar with real time conversation and questions about that month’s focus condition with an expert.